Design Project: Client Interview

Do grevillea flowers look a bit like a mind map?

Do grevillea flowers look a bit like a mind map?

Next in the design project documentation to share is the client interview.  This is part of the C for Collect Site Information section of the process that I covered in my previous post.

Client_Interview mind map

For this, I wanted to cover key areas of discussion with my husband, as we are the owners of the property under design consideration. I set up key areas of discussion in a mind map back in September 2014 and captured his main thoughts and then added in mine to produce our overall requirements and ensure we both heard each other. Our daughter is too young to express her dreams and desires but I have observed that she is tactile and likes to move around to play with different things, so I have kept that in mind.

I used Mind Meister to create the mind map and found this very straightforward and I was able to turn the file into a pdf to email my husband for his reference and reflection, in case he had any other comments.

Next I will cover the tools for analysis…

The Design Project series

Making a Start

Creating an Example

Design Project Site Observations and Maps

Design Project Developing my Process and a Promise to VEG